Life is like a heart monitor, without ups and downs we are not living
I suppose New Year's Eve is a time to reflect on the year just gone, and boy oh boy what a year it has been. In 2017 I had some of the best news I will ever receive and also the worst. To say this year has been an emotional roller-coaster is the world's biggest understatement. I want to take the time to consider my reflections and share them with you. I'm not always one to share this kind of stuff, but even if any of this helps just one person, I will have accomplished something great. I have an amazing husband and brilliant friends around me. I have learnt who will be in my life moving forward and who might not, and that it's okay to have to let some people go or move on, it's just human nature. We have such a short amount of precious time of this planet, and you need to put all your energy and effort into people who will make that same effort back, otherwise frankly, it is just not worth it. I am stronger than I care to believe and I need to allow ...